Saturday, July 4, 2009

full stop..Ph.D...NEVER!!!!

Never realized how lovely this tinsy winsy little dot looks at the end. Especially at the end of a hugely crazy piece of script which no one's ever gonna bother about. Done with my thesis man!So done...

Especially after like having indefinite number of drafts being named and renamed ingeniously from the 1st one simply saved as "done" and then followed by "finally done", "final at last", "hopefully final", "finally final", "fucking final"...the actual word file that got printed didn't have any such lucrative tags and it's mundane title "New Microsoft Office Word Document (1).docx" simply sounded divine.. the final dot, the end of it all.

Why did a simple "cut copy paste" funda get so freaky i still don't memory refuses to delve back into those 5 sleepless days and nights. irony of it all....reading and re-reading and endless proof-reading still didn't allow us a thesis even close enough to being perfect...i shudn't be using the reference of perfection....our cover page title was messed...hehe

all in all....this entire fiasco just re-directed my future prospects....n i aint more thesis no more Ph.D...that's that....

so what's next...done with submissions....presentations a job... (lousy) i know...and bookin tickets for singapore!!!!!! i want to end this blog with a full stop, so here goes.